Students Council

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Objectives of the Council:

  • To create awareness to highlight the benefits of involvement in curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities.
  • To recognize and reward students for their active participation and achievements in various activities.
  • To establish regular communication channels such as student forums, suggestion boxes, or multipurpose hall meetings.
  • To maintain the discipline and promote teamwork and team-building activities.
  • To encourage students for active participation in curricular, co-curricular and extra- curricular activities of the college.
  • To maintain a conducive environment for learning with acceptance of individual differences.
  • Functioning as an interface between students and administration of the college to support students.
  • To inform the students about various committees functioning in the college.

Functions and of Students’ Council

  • To adhere to the objectives of the council.
  • To organize various activities for the student in collaboration of administration and professors.
  • To involve as many students as possible to participate in activities for the development of the college.

Election Procedure


All the students of Semester I are eligible to take part in the election process.

Frequency and Duration:

Students’ council elections take place once a year.


Elected members will work for one academic year.

Election officers:

All the faculties of the College will work as election officers.